187 Alumni Association Inc was officially recognized as a non-profit in 2001 with the stated Mission:
"to insure the future and foster the continuation of the heritage
and history of BSA Troop 187"
The sole purpose of the Association is to support Troop 187. Activities are coordinated by an all volunteer Board of Directors and closely coordinated with the Troop 187 Scoutmaster and Troop Committee. Board Members are elected on staggered 2-year terms with each dues paying member eligible to vote. Board Members are elected at the Annual Meeting. At the first Board Meeting, officers are elected to include President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.
Camp St Croix takes a lot of work to maintain as a Summer Camp and weekend camping destination. We support work weekends, we work hard and we have fun. The Alumni also publish The Evening Gazook newsletter and mailings to our Alumni contact list to share stories and current updates from the Troop.
For questions about the 187 Alumni Association or if you'd like to reconnect with the Alumni please contact and make sure to include the years you were active in the Troop. Fill out this form: Alumni contact updates